Jürgen Knöller


Jürgen Knöller was born and raised in Bavaria, Germany about 25 miles away from the Neuschwanstein Castle in Füssen, (you know, the famous one that was copied for Disneyland). Germans call Bavaria "Bayern" and that is where the name of the brewery comes from.

Jürgen discovered his passion for beer in his early teens, which is legal in Germany. He started brewing as an apprentice in Kaufbeuren in 1978, graduated as a professional brewer in 1981, and spent four years as a journeyman brewer before going to Doemens' Masterschool for Brewing and Soft Drink Technology in Munich. Jürgen graduated in 1987 as a Masterbrewer and was hired as the brewmaster for Bayern Brewing in Missoula, MT. In 1991, he bought Bayern from the original owner and has been in charge of Bayern Brewing ever since.

In his spare time Jürgen enjoys motorcycling, traveling, reading and beer.


Thorsten Geuer


Diploma Masterbrewer, B.Sc. Thorsten Geuer served his apprenticeship as brewer and maltster between 1996- 1999 at the "Hofbräu Früh" brewery in Cologne, Germany (actually called "Köln " in the German language). This brewery is arguably the worlds first and most prestigious brewery to have brewed "Kölsch " beer, the beer of Cologne.

After graduating as a journeyman brewer he interned with Bayern Brewing the summer months of 1999 before starting his studies in Berlin, Germany, at the famous brewing college VLB Berlin. He graduated in summer of 2002 as Diploma Masterbrewer with a Bachelors of Science degree. He had stayed in contact with Jürgen during his time at college and wanted to come back to Montana so, when he was offered the position of Brewmaster, he accepted, and the rest is history...